Hope for Hurting Hearts

Sponsored by the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

October 31 – November 3, 2019


Hope for Hurting Hearts is a healing educational retreat for those who’ve been abused as children. This is an all-inclusive retreat which provides educational support for survivors of abuse; this retreat is confidential, anonymous, and private.


Dra. Annie Perez Ph.D.

Dra. Annie Perez Ph.D.

Psicóloga y Directora de Ministerios de la Mujer


Dr. Annie Perez Ph.D. Psychologist and Director of Women’s Ministries Dr. Annie Pérez was born in New York and raised in Moca, Puerto Rico. Dr. Pérez holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling. She has a Doctoral degree in Psychology with a concentration in Health Psychology. Dr. Pérez was appointed to be the new Prayer Ministries and Women’s Ministries director for the Florida Conference of Seventh Day Adventists.

2019 Hope for Hurting Hearts Kulaqua Retreat and Confernece Center 


November 7 to November 10, 2019

Kulaqua Retreat and Conference Center in High Springs, FL

Reservation Fee for all events is $ 150.00 (All included)

For more information or to register for any retreat, please call 407-644-5000 EXT. 2151 or email: Womens.Ministries@FloridaConference.com


* Please note: that all sessions and discussions at these Hope for Hurting Hearts seminars will be confidential and anonymous, except when necessary to comply with Florida law.


Florida Statutes 39.201 stipulates: “Any person who knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child has been abused … shall report such knowledge or suspecha to the department in the manner prescribed in subsection (2)”


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